adventures with a six year old
While traveling with this one has in fact gotten a little easier, its still hard. With hours on the road comes lots of whining. Getting him to hike to certain distant spots requires discussion and bribery. Cookies and candy become my friends. And the schlep is real as it's mostly left to me to get the three huge bags of toys from the car to the hotel room each move (along with the actual luggage of necessities). He has not a clue what goes into these adventures. I'm one tired mama each day, but you know what's harder? Staying home.
the lowest point in North America,
of course he needs his Minecraft pickaxe.
bobcat badges
so far, Cub Scouts has been the only thing to stick for my kiddo. well beside snowboarding, but that doesn’t really count as he doesn’t have a choice there. I hope to see him all the way through to Eagle Scouts, but for now I’m proud he earned his Bobcat badge.
rock, sticks and beetles --> that way
Casper’s Wilderness Park